Micheal O Muircheartaigh Wife Who Is The Wife Of Micheal O Muircheartaigh?

Mícheál O’Muircheartaigh, the renowned GAA commentator, shared his insights and reflections on an unusual year during an interview with RSVP Magazine in January 2021. At the age of 90, with an impressive net worth attributed to his long and successful career, O’Muircheartaigh emphasized the importance of looking after the vulnerable and reminisced about his life, including his marriage to his wife, Helena.

How Did Mícheál O’Muircheartaigh Cope with Lockdown?

When asked if he ever felt lonely during the lockdown, O’Muircheartaigh shared that he never experienced loneliness. He explained that he has always had people around him, especially through his involvement in sports. “I got to meet a lot of people involved in sport and I was never short of somebody to talk to,” he said. His social nature and active engagement with the community helped him navigate the challenging times.

What Role Did Mícheál Play in Supporting Older People?

O’Muircheartaigh highlighted his involvement with the ALONE National Support campaign before Christmas, emphasizing the critical need to remember and support older people. Between March and November 2020, ALONE received over 37,037 calls, showcasing the immense demand for their services. “There is a greater need than ever for people to get in touch with the charity and realize that there are a lot of people who have nobody to look after them,” he noted. He encouraged people to reach out to those who may be isolated and engage them in conversation.

How Did He View the Global Pandemic?

Reflecting on the global impact of the pandemic, O’Muircheartaigh remarked, “We are one big parish now as we deal with the same problem.” He observed that it wasn’t until late February and early March 2020 that people realized the pandemic was a worldwide issue. This collective experience has brought people closer together in a shared struggle.

Has Mícheál Ever Faced Age Discrimination?

When discussing ageism, O’Muircheartaigh mentioned that age was not a significant topic of discussion during his youth in Kerry. He shared a light-hearted story about how people used to write home for their age when they needed to prove it for social security purposes, often using their baptismal dates. Despite being 90 years old, he doesn’t worry about his age and continues to live life to the fullest. “I have never paid any attention to my age and I have met people far older than myself,” he said.

Is Mícheál a Worrier?

O’Muircheartaigh believes that worrying is often unnecessary. “Most of the things people worry about don’t actually materialize. You can do too much worrying and wondering about things,” he stated. His positive outlook on life has kept him resilient and optimistic.

How Does He Feel About Being Restricted by Age?

O’Muircheartaigh feels no restrictions due to his age. He maintains a youthful spirit and doesn’t let age define him. “In a strange way, I feel like I am still young and there is nothing wrong with feeling like that,” he remarked.

How Long Has Mícheál Been Married?

O’Muircheartaigh has been married to his wife, Helena, since 1970, describing it as a year that was good for both fish and sport. Reflecting on their 50 years together, he said, “It feels like yesterday and they have been great years.” His marriage has been a cornerstone of his life, filled with countless memories and experiences.

What Do His Children Do?

Mícheál and Helena have eight children, each pursuing different careers around the world. He shared details about his children’s professions, highlighting their diverse paths. His son Aonghus works in finance, often making calls to South Africa and New Zealand. Another son is a doctor in Singapore, while a daughter works in Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. His youngest daughter is a physiotherapist in Kerry.

How Does He Feel About the Future?

O’Muircheartaigh remains optimistic about the future despite the challenges of the pandemic. He is confident that there will be a positive outcome, especially with the arrival of vaccines. “Things are going well and better it will be. I think there will be a happy ending to it all,” he expressed, looking forward to the weeks and months ahead.

Does He Miss Commentating?

Although he last commentated a major game in 2010, O’Muircheartaigh enjoys witnessing matches as a spectator. He started commentating in 1949, and after retiring in 2010, he has attended matches without the pressure of work. Despite the changes brought by the pandemic, he believes that people have continued to enjoy sports through television and radio, providing comfort during difficult times.


Mícheál O’Muircheartaigh’s reflections offer a glimpse into the life of a man who has witnessed and contributed to much in his 90 years. His commitment to supporting the vulnerable, his positive outlook on life, and his enduring passion for sports exemplify his remarkable character. As he looks forward to the future, O’Muircheartaigh remains a beacon of resilience and optimism.


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